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What all aspiring entrepreneurs need to hear

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2020

How do I become an entrepreneur? How do I do so successfully? If you’ve ever asked yourself either of those questions, you’re in the right place at the right time. Now, more than ever, our country needs efficient, driven, smart entrepreneurs, and I’m going to shape you into one. Small businesses (run by efficient, driven, smart entrepreneurs, like the one you will become) are at the core of America, and they are what make the world go round. So, if you are looking to start one, this is the article to read. 

The very first step to becoming this great businessman (or woman) is acknowledging that you want more from your life, that there is a fire within you that is driving you to become a hard worker and allow you to start your small business. Because, at the end of the day, starting your own business is where it’s at. Being an entrepreneur gives you immense freedom. There’s nothing wrong with working an average job, but if you have a desire in you to move full-force toward something bigger than yourself, you’re on the right path. 

Next, you need to remember that there are no guarantees with “normal” jobs. You may have been raised to think a government job is more stable, or becoming a teacher is the best plan because you’ll always be needed. However, it’s easy to be released from these jobs, or have your pay cut for reasons that shouldn’t affect you otherwise. If you’re working for yourself at your own business, you’ll be the one in control. 

It is also crucial to keep in mind that, as you go on your journey to becoming an entrepreneur, you will be forced to change as a person. You will experience personal growth like never before. You will face challenges that you will need to learn from in order to overcome. I like to look at these issues as opportunities to grow. You will be living life at twice the speed, and you will need to adapt. And that will be difficult, and it will be very worth it. 

I won’t tell you what business to go into, but personally I love the meal prep and delivery business. If I had to start my career over again, I would definitely stay on this track. Everyone needs to eat, so why not make it the best experience one can have? Even in the midst of a pandemic, or the apocalypse, we all have the need for proper nutrition. 

I also want you to think about what makes you different? How will you survive based on that difference? Being unique in today’s society will get you far. If you have something people need, and you have a special way of getting it to them, you will succeed. 

In the end, you will be able to thrive if you acknowledge your desire for more, remember the reason you’re doing this (freedom, stability, whatever being your own boss will bring you), and be willing to change, grow, and showcase your differences. With these steps in mind, I know you will be able to start (and succeed with) your own small business. 


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