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Start a Meal Prep Business for $500 Pt 1


Here’s a question for you...how would you start your own meal prep company with only 500 dollars? If you had nothing to your name, no experience to speak of, and only a few “Benjamins” as some seed money, where would you go to turn that 500 into 5,000? You’re about to get very lucky, because I happen to know the perfect answer to your question. Just call me the “Godfather” of creating your own food service business. Having created the top-ranked food prep and food delivery company in Florida (you’ve probably heard of FitFoodFresh), you could say I know a thing or two about getting your feet off the ground in regards to starting a meal plan business. Welcome to part one of my step-by-step guide to starting a meal prep business with 500 dollars. 

You might be asking yourself, “what right does this guy have to tell me what to do?” and that’s a fair question. Well, here’s my answer: with the help of my partner,...

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How To Start A Meal Prep Business - Customer Service Fundamentals


Have you ever dreamt of developing a company? It can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have little experience establishing your own business. However, with my help you’ll be running a Michelin 3-star operation in no time. 

All you’ll need to start is 500 dollars. That’s it. Don’t believe me? Just listen to my story. I began my business, FitFoodFresh, from nothing. I didn’t have a single penny, yet now I have Florida’s best rated meal plan company in my name. I had no experience and no funding. If I was able to jumpstart my venture, then certainly you can as well. 

I’m not saying this will be easy. Nothing worthwhile ever comes without some heavy lifting on your part. But what I can promise is that you will have fun, and you will succeed if you subscribe to my channel and my fundamentals. 

So let’s jump right in. Raise your hand if you like interacting with difficult people...Okay, so I can’t actually see...

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